
"The Impact of an Injury.
What are you risking?"

Learn how you can prevent accidents in your business by hearing Gary’s profound story of 12.5 Still Alive, Life After 12,500 Volts that will change your perspective on safety.

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Meet Gary and Jeanne Norland

The Gary Norland Story

Live Safety Presentation

Keynote Motivational Safety Speaker For 10 Years

Striving to promote and educate your business and employees on the importance of safety awareness, Gary and Jeanne Norland presents their profound story of 12.5 Still Alive, Life After 12,500 Volts that will change your perspective on safety and how an injury can cause a ripple effect on a person, their family, coworkers and community.

Who Gary Has Presented For And More...

Presentations For Every Business


Gary and Jeanne Norland share their story to educate your business about the importance of proper S.A.F.E.T.Y to help others avoid accidents and the massive ripple effects.


The video presentation is a perfect eye-opening safety training session for new employees, continuing education for current employees, and reminders for managers as they coach their staff.


Offering workshops to educate companies and their employees on the importance of S.A.F.E.T.Y as you safely scale your business.

Right now, you stand at a fork in the road…

You probably don’t think about the real, lasting, and life-changing impact of a serious accident until the moment you have one.

I didn’t either.

It’s challenging for anyone who hasn’t had a serious accident yet to put themselves in the shoes of someone else who has had one … even if they think they can.

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try, before it’s too late for you.

The Path Most Traveled

The path most people will take will be to look at one or more clips on this website, maybe read a little bit of what’s posted here, and think “This won’t happen to me…”.

Then they go on their merry way.

I took that path too … until one second (and 12,500 volts) at the paper mill where my life and the lives of those around me all changed abruptly, and without any warning.

Everything that was “me” prior to that one second … GONE.

And the thoughts you might have when you see the small sampling of images from my accident in our demos and presentationthey might present too much reality for you to handle.

I get it, and if this is the path you wish to take … I can only hope you or your loved ones won’t ever have to endure the life-altering experience myself and everyone I know has.

The Safe Path

The reason I speak at companies and other groups of people is to reach the public … and spread the critical principle of S.A.F.E.T.Y. everywhere.

But more importantly I’m hoping that you will get in contact and want to hear my story…

I’m hoping you’ll see the real-life depictions of what happened, and want to make the immediate changes that other employees and managers (like you) have completed  when it comes to their safety.

We’ll even have a little fun while we’re doing it.

Because while it took me 12,500 volts, multiple surgeries, and altered lives to realize that this did happen to me, and that it can happen to you too…

I hope you will take the path that most people won’t take … and do everything you can to make sure a severe accident doesn’t happen at all.

To your safety,

Gary Norland
Creator of “The Impact of an Injury”
And the S.A.F.E.T.Y. concept

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